We competed against the Pebble Beach Junior Golf Association in the inaugural Waves to Vines Cup at Carmel Valley Ranch.
See the tournaments page for pictures and results.
Inaugural Waves to Vines Cup
On December 15th, 2024, NVJG competed with PBJG for the inaugural Waves to Vines Cup. It was a bright and sunny day after a major storm had disrupted power at Carmel Valley Ranch the day before. Thanks to Travis McCabe, CVR Director of Memberships and PBJG Board Member, the completion went ahead as planned, with PBJG defeating NVJG 7.5 - 4.5.
Thanks to all of the parents and kids that made the trip to Carmel under wet and wild circumstances. The kids were rewarded with a great day for golf and enjoyed the competition.
In 2025, NVJG will host PBJG and try to win back the cup!

Get ready to tee it up!
If you’re between 6 and 18 years old, want to learn the game, or are already playing and competing, join our organization to learn about upcoming events.
We will be hosting clinics, tournaments and skills competitions beginning the summer of 2024. Our juniors will learn both the etiquette and the rules of the game.
NVJG juniors will learn the valuable skills they need to be successful in life — in a fun, safe, and satisfying environment — while building lasting friendships and great memories.
Sign up below to connect to NVJG!